John "Hoss" Taylor Jr.
John "Hoss" Taylor Jr.

John "Hoss" Taylor Jr. is an artist from Hebron, Maryland. He graduated from Salisbury University with a bachelor's degree in art. Hoss's work has been published in various literary magazines such as Echoes and Visions, Saturday Morning Comics, Chicago Literati, Chaleur Magazine, Inlandia: A Literary Journey, The Daily Drunk, Taco Bell Quarterly, Big Whoopie Deal, Wrongdoing Magazine, Fleas on the Dog, Oddball Magazine, The Holy Flea, and A Drunken Midsommar. Hoss can be found at home with his wife Caitlin, their beagle Belle, and their daughter Sophia. John pursues his publishing dreams in between working retail at Best Buy. He used to sling lattes and coffee at Barnes and Noble, and he sold local produce off the highway in a family friend's produce stand. His art was even etched onto his first boss's tombstone.