Andrew Gallop
Andrew Gallop

Andrew Gallop is an actor based in New York City. He has a BFA in Musical Theatre (University of Oklahoma) and a MFA in Acting (UC San Diego). Andrew has worked on some films and on stages around the country- the La Jolla Playhouse, 54 Below, Casa Mañana, and others- but would rather tell you about a book he is currently reading, a song he is writing, an album from the late 90s/00s that still wrecks him, or one of several near death experiences in national parks. Andrew considers himself lucky to have fallen into such a thrilling hospitality industry in NYC, working at locations like Stumptown Coffee Company and- Dave Arnold’s cocktail bar- Existing Conditions. The pinnacle of his writing career was in college, when he would stay up all night with a whiskey bottle and a journal, conjure mediocre poems with 86 Logic’s Zach Whitman, only to sneak into an acting class in the morning reeking of cigarettes and nostalgia.