Edgar Medina

Edgar Medina

86 Logic contributor Edgar Medina bio image

Edgar Medina is a 23 year old graduate from California State University, Long Beach with a degree in English Education. Having grown up as a first generation immigrant, Edgar has learned to understand the importance of language as it relates to shaping narratives and propagating ideas that often serve as a basis for change. In addition to this, he has also cultivated an appreciation for poetry, believing in the unprecedented value of its emotional impact on both the reader and the poet.  Edgar has recited in the 2022 TedxTalk at CSULB, and has had poetry published in various literary magazines including NiftyLit Magazine and the B’K Magazine. Edgar aspires to become an English teacher and help students enhance their ability to express themselves, as well as facilitate their appreciation for the power of words. Edgar has worked in restaurants as a host, server, and bartender for over 5 years.