Cass Waters

Cass Waters

Cass Waters headshot, 86 Logic contributor

Cass Waters  //////  A natural desire to explore has led me to study art making in a unique way. Following artistic opportunities and service work, I drove my antique RV from my home state of Georgia to Montana. There I practiced drawing at the Missoula Fine Arts Studio. The following year I drove my home to Arizona to attend open studios at the Scottsdale Artists’ School. In addition to my service job, I began working as an art model to glean instruction from workshops while keeping expenses low. In seasons with limited access to instruction, I’ve explored new modes of creation. I find new inspirations as I work odd jobs and meet other odd people. After spending 2020 back in Montana working out of my home studio, I moved to Chicago where I currently teach classes and workshops at the Palette and Chisel Academy of Fine Arts.